RealGRIDZ™: "World's Best Canvas for Your Balloon Imagination™"
"RealGRIDZ™" (Rouse-Expand-And-Load-GRIDZ™) are the
- WORLD’S most compact, lightweight, flexible, and versatile balloon grids.
- WORLD’S most numerous in standard sizes, shapes and grid patterns.
- WORLD’S most diverse in special order sizes, shapes and grid patterns.
- WORLD’S most advanced in SIMPLE, EASY, STRONG, and FAST (#RouseAPPs™) balloon loading techniques.
"#RealGRIDZ™" (Rouse-Expand-And-Load-GRIDZ™) are also known as
- RealGRIDS™,
- RMS™,
- Rouse Matrix™,
- Rouse Matrix Systems™,
- or simply, "The Rouse".
They are all the same... .. ."WORLD'S BEST CANVAS for YOUR BALLOON IMAGINATION™"
"#RealGRIDZ™" (Rouse-Expand-And-Load-GRIDZ™) are
- the invention of Graham Rouse,
- manufactured by Rouse TECHnologies LLC
- sold through