About Us
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"I am Graham Rouse. I am the one bringing you Pictures, Instructions, Reviews and Musings about all things MadeWithBalloons™. Join me right here."
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I am Graham Rouse and, the main thing I want you to know about me is that I appreciate you taking the time to join me here.
I have been at this "balloon thing" over thirty years now. I feel like I am just getting started but I am probably somewhere in the middle, the middle of a wonderful exploration and adventure. I just love sharing that exploration and adventure with others, especially others who share in my enthusiasm for it all.
So, do come again and again and again ... .. . Even if you are not yet super enthusiastic yourself, come again anyway. You just might find yourself enjoying more; not just enjoying balloons more, but enjoying yourself more.
There is that kind of magic in balloons you know. There is that kind of magic in the people who create things MadeWithBalloons™. And, there is a special magic in sharing it all. Sharing seems to multiply the positive power for both the giver and the receiver of all things MadeWithBalloons™.
And, that is what we will be doing, thanks to you. We will be sharing and multiplying the positive power of all things MadeWithBalloons™.
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Graham came to the balloon industry in 1983 with a degree in Psychology and membership in several honor societies at East Carolina University. He also had a degree in Environmental Design from North Carolina State University and a year of seminary at Duke University.
Graham had experience working as a truck driver, draftsman, designer, book salesman, camp counselor, house master, preacher, teacher and soldier before joining the NC Division of Services for the Blind as a rehabilitation counselor. He moved to a role as designer and as supervisor in the Randolph Shepard Act Program for the blind in North Carolina.
Graham started in the balloon industry as a twister and entertainer, but his inventions have lead him to spend more time on the decorator side of isle in more recent years.
- He has five patents on technology for the balloon industry.
- He has earned 5 international design awards including "Designer Of The Year".
- He is one of only a few artists in the world to have a one man, public art gallery exhibit of his balloon work.
- He has exhibited and taught balloon arts around the world, including sessions with his wife and partner, Mary Queen Rouse, in Japan, Korea, Australia, Brazil, Paraguay, Mexico, Canada, England, France, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Spain & Italy.
- Graham and Mary Queen have produced their own branded, "RouseABOUT" seminars in the USA, France and Sweeden.
- They have taught broadly across the USA at regional, national and international conventions including the old NABA conventions, IBAC conventions, Flowers, Inc (Ballooniversity) , IBA convention, West Coast Event, Balloon Camp, All Star Review conventions, and a host of distributor seminars and QBN sponsored events.
- Graham's art and instructions have been published around the world including in Images magazine and in Balloons & Parties Today magazine.
- He was in the first class of CBAs (Pioneer Balloon Company sponsored "Certified Balloon Artist" designation within the Qualatex Balloon Network).
- He has served as an examiner for new CBAs.
- He has served as an officer in a Qualatex Balloon Network chapter.
- He has served as a judge for international balloon art competitions
You may learn more of Graham's personal story and perspective on the balloon industry in his personal blog; Making It With Balloons Blog, A Personal Perspective On Making Things, Making Success And Making A Difference With Balloons.
- Visit and friend Graham on his personal facebook page http://facebook.com/RouseMatrix.
- Visit and like Graham's Rouse Matrix brand products, pictures, videos and links on facebook at http://facebook.com/RouseMatrixPage.
- Follow Graham's tweets for Rouse Matrix: http://twitter.com/rousematrix.
- Follow him on https://twitter.com/JustRouseIt for more general balloon art tips and links (especially for general rouse technologies)
- Visit Graham's longstanding web site, picture galleries, video instructions and newsletter archives at http://www.rouseinternational.com.
- Subscribe to his RouseABOUT, online newsletter.
- Visit and register for discounts at the Rouse Matrix Store online within Ballooniverse Mall; http://bvsmall.com/rmsstore.
- Tune in to the Ballooniverse Blog (http://balloonivesemall.com/success) for articles an images to nurture the balloon success of professionals and amateurs alike.
- Read some of Graham's published articles and instructions in the blogs of Making It With Balloons Network; http://miwb.net/blog.
- Follow Graham's tweets for the Making It With Balloons Network: http://twitter.com/miwbnet.
- Visit his JustRouseIt Blog (http://justrouseit.com/blog) to learn the six major areas of Rouse Original Tools and Techniques that you can use to advance your balloon art and business.
- ROUSE MATRIX ................. Enter "Rouse Matrix" ... Include " "
- ROUSE TECHNOLOGIES..... Enter "JustRouseIt" .... Include " "
- ROUSE TALK ........... Enter "MadeWithBalloons" .... Include " "